Tuesday, November 18, 2008

It's been a while, but I thought I'd write. I have obviously been concerned by the political scene. I was watching Bill O'Reilly last night and he had a segment on the church in Michigan that was disrupted by a group of gays and lesbians during their worship service. I wonder if the group who did the disrupting realizes that that sort of thing hurts rather than helps their cause. My impression of the church where they were is that the church would have gladly welcomed them into their worship regardless of their sexual orientation had they come in to join the worship. Instead they chose to interrupt the program and make a nuisance of themselves.

A lot has been said about the gay and lesbian agenda. The way I look at it is that they are people. I don't happen to agree with their lifestyle, but God loves them just as He loves everyone. However, it is not in keeping with acceptable behavior according to the Bible, so I must disagree with that lifestyle. That does not mean that I mean them harm in any way. It just means that, just as I wouldn't agree with an alcoholic lifestye, I don't agree with theirs.

I hope that those radicals who would participate in this sort of disruptive activity do not represent the majority of gays and lesbians, and that they will find other means of expressing their beliefs than attacking innocent people.

Monday, November 10, 2008

Here we are at the beginning of a new week with all its possibilities.

Things are very interesting on the national front. However, I try to ignore the news media, except for Fox. Fox seems to be a bit more balanced in their reporting...a good thing for conservatives like me.

I have been reading George Orwell's Animal Farm as I prepare to teach the second semester of the English 12 class. How apropos! If you have never read it, do. Even though it was written about the Russian Revolution, there are so many things that can connect to our world today. I'll have more to write when I finish the book.

Another good book is Feed by M. T. Anderson. Only one caution: there is language that is not normally my choice for books that I read. However, on the surface where it seems like it is about teens in the future, there are some issues that have to do with government intrusion into the lives of the individual in the country.

Done for now...have a great day!

This is the day...

Friday, November 7, 2008

Presidential Election

I can't say I am thrilled with how the election turned out. I do wish the president-elect well and I will pray for him as I always have our presidents. However, although I would never say this out loud, I believe the time will come when those of us who voted for McCain will be able to say "I told you so."
God does allow things to go forward, even though they may not be the best, because ultimately they are working for His purpose.
I do fear for our country in this way. Whenever we do not respect ALL life, even that of the unborn child, there will be consequences. Eventually there will come a reckoning, and it will not be pleasant.