Wednesday, December 30, 2009

The Call

We just received an e-mail from a good friend that included the following information: "At the present moment, the second largest abortion facility in the world, next to China, is being built in Houston, Texas. This six-story, 78,000 sq. ft. Planned Parenthood abortion 'Super Center' is right in the middle of four minority neighborhoods. Three of these neighborhoods average an 85% Hispanic population and the fourth is 80% Black-American. The third floor is dedicated to late-term abortions. Obviously, Planned Parenthood is targeting these minority communities and families to fuel their abortion industry." This information comes from a web site entitled www.thecall/crisis.
Respect for ALL life should be at the heart of everything we do, and yet our own government is pushing toward allowing abortions to be funded by our tax dollars as a part of the fiasco known as the health care reform bill. It makes me angry and I then wonder what I can do about it. As I mentioned before, we have contacted our congressmen with no satisfaction. It may come to refusing to pay part of our taxes that might be going to fund this abomination in order to get our point across. However, for the time being, we can pray...and pray, and pray, and pray...that God will intervene and not allow this evil to go forward.

Monday, December 28, 2009

New Year

Almost another new year. I hope everyone has had and will have a great one. Historically, this may be a significant time. I can't help but be concerned with our country and how it is headed. It seems as though there is no such thing any more as a "public servant" when it comes to our congress. Obviously, if you look at the results since the Dem's have taken over, they do NOT serve the public. They serve themselves, and to the devil with the people they are supposed to be serving. Numerous times, when we have contacted our senators and representatives, we have received nothing but a canned response to the effect that "we will do what we think is best, despite the opinion and wishes of the majority of our constituents." That is NOT public service, that is partisan politics as, not as usual, WORSE than usual. What happened to the "change" that was promised. It was all a deception. All I can say is, don't blame me, I didn't vote for him.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Again it's a new month. I made it through all the inauguration hype all right, but I'm watching with interest as our new president experiences some of the real difficulties of trying to get things done. I am very nervous about how vulnerable our country is with this inexperienced leader.
As always, it is my concern that the abortionists will continue to murder babies and call it a choice. The Freedom of Choice Act, which should really be called the Federal No-Limits-On-Abortion Bill, will likely make it even easier to do any kind of abortion you want at any time you want. Make no mistake. This is not pleasing to God, and a country that kills the innocent will not continue to stand strong, Life is one of the guarantees of our constitution. When that begins to fall, so goes our country.

Thursday, January 1, 2009's a new year. I hope this one turns out better than my expectations. I believe we're in for some rough times. Everyone seems to want stuff, but no one seems willing to make the sacrifices necessary to get the stuff. I am afraid that my generation started the "me-first" culture, and I am ashamed of that.
It is my opinion that the original sin was just that -- "I want." As humans we can't seem to understand that selfishness IS our sin nature. If we serve the Lord, our primary obstacle is to get beyond our "self" and think of God first and others second. Ourselves should come at least third if not further down the list.
Most of the world's problems are caused by people being selfish...selfish for money, power, things, attention, etc. The list goes on and on. This is going to be hopefully one of my major concerns this year: to try to prioritize my life so as to become more pleasing to the Lord.