Sunday, January 24, 2010

Conservatives take hope

Well, we have some good news as of late. Mass. has now turned the corner. I hope the members of congress who want to just go their own way will sit up and take notice. The people do have one power left, and that is the power to vote out people who won't listen to the people they are representing.
That also means that we, the people, need to do just that. Look for conservative people to vote into office come November 2010. We can affect change by using the voting box. Hang in there.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

War on Terror

Oh, I'm sorry, we're not supposed to say war on terror any more. We're just supposed to sit back and let our country be destroyed and our people be attacked and killed. I think anyone who attempts to carry out an act of terror on our country should be taken out and hung or shot. They should not be afforded the same rights as United States citizens. THEY AREN'T!

And what's the deal with this health care debacle? Why do our representatives in congress think they can just pass any old bill without the consent of the people? Arrogance and greed, I think.

I am also concerned now about this bill in the Michigan legislature that will supposedly give money to the schools...not all the schools...more to the urban schools. I have no problem with money coming to schools, any schools, but money does not come without strings if it is "given" out by the government, and this one has some pretty ugly strings.

The popular thing to think these days is that all students should perform outstandingly on standardized tests and if they don't, it's the teacher's fault. That is one of the "strings" on the money. Teachers and administrators are to be evaluated every year to see if their students are performing up to par on the "tests." Being a teacher, I can attest to the fact that I give my all every day to try to educate my students, but here is my problem: I have students who have been drinking or drugging before they come to school; I have students who were up all night playing video games because their parent either wasn't home or wasn't paying attention; I have students whose parents are in the middle of a messy divorce and they are trying to move into one home or the other; I have students whose levels of abilities are barely above fifth grade in with students who are college bound, and I have to make sure that all the students get treated according to their various abilities; I have students who can't sit still for ten minutes and are constantly moving, talking, drumming on their desk, etc.; I am interupted by students needing to go out of the classroom for a variety of reasons, students being called out of class for a variety of other reasons; students who sleep in class; and students who just don't care and don't want to be in school.

In other words, I am being held accountable for results over which I have absolutely no control. This is not an equitable plan, and in fact, it only serves to give more control to the government. I mean, after all, they do such a great job of doing what they already have responsibility for, don't they?